My Short Story

Web Developer/ UX Designer. I am very passionate about coding, user centered design and solving real world problems. I enjoy developing and designing software applications which are either consumer or enterprise facing. I am really interested in working on projects where my coding and design experience can make a meaningful contribution..


Languages: Ruby, Javascript,HTML5, CSS3

Frameworks: Node.js, Express, Ruby on Rails, AngularJS

Databases: MongoDB , PostgreSQL

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, AJAX, Bootstrap, Github/Git, jQuery, Heroku, OOP, Mongoose, Bcrypt.

Ruby on Rails


User Experience Design

Angular js


I am making an app where user can search and see pictures of Food Plating make comment on it and if they want to see recipe user can click on it and will be redirected to 3rd party recipe website.

High Five

A geolocation web platform to compliment those in your vicinity.

Fastion Styler

Fashion Styler is one app that i am most proud of where user can make daily styling without going to you closet and clothes will automatic will get filter with weather and atmosphere . In this app I used ruby and rails framework with multiple API's and Postgres Database